Tamera’s journey with energy balancing and healing began as a result of her own pain and “dis-ease”. At the age of 30 her large intestine had to be removed due to severe Ulcerative Colitis** that she had battled with for 16 years, and the patterns simply shifted to back pain, severe and debilitating. She started her healing journey in 1998 with chiropractic care, massage, and becoming a Reiki Master. She followed by becoming a practitioner and teacher of the EMF Balancing Technique® . In 2005 she became an adv. PSYCH-K® subconscious belief reprogramming facilitator and completed extensive training in EFT. She is also a certified Emotion Code® AND Body Code™ practitioner, and recently added BodyIntuitive to the unique and effective tools she uses. In addition to the energy healing modalities she is also a Certified Life Coach, able to provide mentoring and other useful resources along with her sessions. These techniques are all fast, non-invasive, produce rapid results, and offer the potential for incredible transformation in your physical, emotional and mental well-being.
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